I'm mad as hell that the bailout gave billions to banks, who then refused to lend it. I'm sick of the anti-citizenship shown by corporations and especially the financial sectors.
Why, someone please explain, when mortgage failures began to... be in the news, didn't the bankers and mortgage holders rush to re-negotiate those loans? They would have made money, just not as much of it and people would have kept their homes. The cost of such foreclosure rates is huge, not just in the financial loss, but as a cost to society from stressed families, uprooted children, sense of powerlessness on the part of millions of families. All these things turn into low school performance, health care costs, law enforcement costs: we never crunch the numbers completely.
That's the problem with American. Us voters and folks just let those guys carry on, scraping the cream off the top.
This really pisses me off: I read in a non-partisan article on the economy a sort of innocuous comment....that increased revenue/stimulus to the lower socio-economic sector of society has a much greater stimulative effect than stimulus of wealthy persons. Poor and middle class people SPEND the stimulus they receive, in grocery stores, retail, vacations, etc. The money goes right back into the pot. Stimulus for wealthy persons (tax cuts, et al., ) goes OUT of the pot! They may buy a mercedes, but the rest they invest or use to play wall street games (Michael Milken, Hurwitz.) It does NOT stimulate the economy to nearly the same degree, let alone create jobs. And that's another big lie from the "Reagan era," or "Neo-conservative era," (1980-present). Trickle down doesn't work; Trickle UP works! (The other big lie is, of course, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.)
Ideology has become a substitute for looking at a thing clearly and finding practical solutions. Ideology has strangled us, propagandized us to ludicrous moral propositions (greed is good,) and decimated America's store of moral capital. They have made us a joke and a freakish caricature of the people who had the greatness to create and implement the Marshall Plan.
I listened to an excerpt from Bernie Sander's filibuster and I was amazed at how much went to Asia. While the Fed was turning down American small business people for loans, they were having a free for all in So. Korea and China. Here is Bernie from 2009.
I totally support him. The only avowed "Socialist" in the Government. Whenever I say that word, people usually attack me talking about the USSR and Vladimir Lenin.
As if the Netherlands and Germany (200 billion Surplus) haven't existed and the only Socialism there is exists in the 1910's.... moviedad
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