Saturday, January 15, 2011

On Bullying

One need look no farther than the treatment of Lindsay Lohan at the hands of the media and the American public to understand how children learn to bully. They learn it from us, the adults, and popular culture. To a much greater degree than we care to admit, bullying is part of the American Psyche. We are a competitive people, we believe adversarial processes create optimal outcomes, we worship the wealthy, powerful and famous and despise the weak. In the case of Lindsay Lohan, a 22 year old girl-woman fell from grace and became the laughing stock of the nation. Shame on her? Or, shame on us? Small wonder children, the great mimics of the adult world, prey on each other.


  1. I've added your blog to my "blogroll" at
    But it brought up an issue on my site. For some reason blogs that I list that are from Wordpress or some other company, they show the thumbnail and a few lines of the latest article. But if the blog listed is part of google blogs (Blogspot/Blogger) they don't show any of it. just the title. So I'm all over it. Why is google shortchanging its own members? Why do competing blogs get preference over their own? It is a mysterious riddle wrapped in enigma.
    You really need to check out the Humboldt Herald, and SoHum Parlance II, and of course, Common Dreams, these are some of my favorite blogs. Also there is the "Plazoid" and "Tom Sebourns Blog" They're local except for CD.
    I'm still writing under "Moviedad" I have an open ID though, as I notice you do as well. That's great. One of the constant discussions is about the anonymity on the blogs and whether or not it is justified. I support anonymity when it is necessary, but I think usually it's pretty weak. So many people attack others from behind anonymity. "Heraldo" is anonymous on the Humboldt Herald" I am starting to think maybe he is right to do it that way, though I didn't think so at first. I've been reading that blog for years. The SoHum Parlance II is out of Garberville. I really like Erik Kirk who edits it. Welcome to the Blogesphere.
    I'm so glad you decided to ID yourself. people have no power in their conversations when they only post anonymously.
    Hey, the 'Man' thing is joke....right?

  2. Your comment on competitiveness made me think about the fact that only one person is eve successful: the one that won, that was first; that was the best. All else are failures. Is this a way that we bully ourselves?
